Saturday, July 6, 2013

Review: Focus T25 Alpha Speed 1.0.

Again, this is for anyone interested in these workouts, but don't want to spend the money in the off chance you don't think this beast is for you.

T25 Day 1 was definitely a fresh breath of air compared to Insanity. You are going at a constant fast pace, but in only half the time you spend doing exercises, and in my opinion, you are getting about the same workout.

I didn't know what to expect waking up this morning, but man, my ass hurts! After doing Alpha Cardio, it was apparent to me that the glutes get heavily worked in Day 1.

Today however, you are using your glutes, so those are going to be sore until you get worked into about ten minutes in, but your legs are going to see a very large increase in the amount of activity you do in Day 2.

Shaun T. starts Day 2 off by calling it "Speed, Stretch, and Stability" which is exactly what it is. You will start out with the former of the three, and, in order, reach the last of them. The video starts with jogging it out, and then you go into a hop hop turn. Very simple to do after just seeing the move once. You will then go into a hop hop hook, then a hop hop hook squat; these are simple moves compared to what comes later, but is still quite enduring after two and a half straight minutes of these leg busters.

You will then go back to jogging it out, and then what he calls "Up + Over". This move is when I realized that I have no coordination or dance skills. I spent the entire time not being able to do this move correctly, so I will probably go back later and watch this part a few times til I can get it down.

Then comes the quad stretch. THANK GOD! By this point I was exhausted, and it definitely gives you a little bit of time to breathe.

After that you are going to do some more leg work, some more stretching, and the stability (which is mainly just things like prayer hands with one leg on the other knee, so a little bit of yoga).

Overall, during the actual workout I was a lot more beat than I was yesterday, but the stretch and stability parts of the workout helped to keep me going throughout. I did have to stop once during the burnout, which by the way, starts about the 9:30 left mark, and carries you all the way to the end of the video. So I would suggest keeping that core tight, and maintaining your breathing to the best of your ability, because you will need every ounce of energy you have left to make it to the end of this one.

You are also going to get a two and a half minute optional cooldown stretch with this one. I did the stretch again today, because as you might know from Insanity, that stretch makes all the difference, and I think the same goes for Focus T25.

This workout flies by. Although the whole thing is full of sweat and large gasps for oxygen, you will be so engaged in footwork and speed that you won't be able to catch how far you are in to it.

I would give Alpha Speed 1.0 a 9.5/10. Better than day one, and extremely engaging. Only reason this doesn't get a 10 from me is because of the Up + Over; I felt embarrassed doing it and I was alone at home at the time.

**Here is a full list of the workouts from beginning to end:**

* Jog It Out

* Hop Hop Turn

* Hop Hop Hook

* Hop Hop Hook Squat

* Jog It Out

* Up + Over

* Quad Stretch

* Burpee + Alternating Front Kick

* Prayer Hands Knee Bend

* Side Hop Uppercut

* Side Lunge Stretch

* Low Crossjack

* Hip Flexor Hold

* Zigzag Hop

* Control Knee Hold

* Squat Thrust + Crisscross

* Leg Crossover Stretch

* Heisman Crossword

* Heisman Crossword + Clap (Under Knee)

* Flat Back Roll-Up

* Crisscross Hop

* Crisscross + Half-Tuck Jump

* Hip Flexor Calf Stretch

* Slow Quick Jab Combo

* Chest Opener Stretch

**Burnout Begins**

* Up + Over

* Burpee + Alternating Front Kick

* Side Hop Uppercut

* Low Crossjack

* Zigzag Hop

* Squat Thrust + Crisscross

* Heisman Crossword

* Heisman Crossword + Clap (Under Knee)

* Crisscross Hop

* Crisscross + Half Tuck Jump

* Slow Quick Jab Combo

* One minute stretch that includes plank and downward dog.

**If you have any questions about anything in this workout, feel free to ask, and I shall answer.**

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